The school year began and I was ready. I decided that the class would gong to follow the SE2R model and every 5 weeks we would have a student-teacher grading conference. I did have four (4) categories that the students would have to evaluate themselves on. The categories are Projects, Career Communications (ELA), Assessments (mini-lessons about video/audio), and Professionalism. The categories are weighted with projects being the greatest part of their grade. The ISTE standards are also the main part of my class because the students would need to identify their learning to the ISET standards.
The senior class remembered how the final project went so they were already understanding the process. The junior class was introduced to the SE2R model and how we were a "gradeless" class. The junior class seemed open to the idea but were also a bit cautious and was looking for a "catch" it felt. The ultimately understood and we spent the better part of the first couple weeks explaining and reviewing the SE2R model.
Engagement and motivations seemed to improve. Collaboration among students grew also. The gradeless classroom was moving forward well but I still needed to find how to make the course more student-led, provide more choices, and also create a better way to provide feedback to the students and help them document their learning and evidence for when we had our first 5-week grading conferences.
I really enjoyed this pedagogical progression Marc. Awesome Job!